A predator-control program in Western Alaska, recently ruled unconstitutional, is needed to boost the ailing Mulchatna ...
The goal is also to eliminate 60% of brown bears (leaving them at 375). "The practice of indiscriminately shooting down predators in Alaska is inhumane and absurd," declared Rick Steiner to The ...
A 32-year-old man was left with severe injuries after a brown bear attacked him and his hunting partner, Alaska troopers say ... both hunters fired their guns, according to troopers.
Mike Dunleavy killed a large, majestic brown bear near Cordova, and the bear hide was recently mounted prominently in the ...
Alaska has killed more than 200 bears as part of its "intensive management" program intended to help a caribou herd.
747 — the enormous bear featured in the video above — is an Alaskan brown bear who lives in Katmai National Park. Technically, all brown bears in Alaska are grizzly bears.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s decision to kill almost 200 brown bears in order to boost a struggling caribou herd violated due process and was unconstitutional, an Anchorage Superior ...