January 2, 2013 - Qatar-based broadcaster Al Jazeera purchases Current TV for a reported $500 million, personally netting Gore an estimated $70 million. December 5, 2016 - Meets with President-elect ...
Tennessee hasn't voted for a Democratic presidential ticket since President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore in 1996. State of play: The GOP's dominant streak is likely to continue.
Sharaf, then a manager in Lieberman’s Hartford office, was confident that Al Gore would pick her ... to his family and community. Gore, who flew in from Tennessee, said Lieberman led a ...
(CNN) — Here is a look at the life of Al Gore, 45th vice president of the ... representing first the 4th and then the 6th District of Tennessee. Elected to the House in 1976, 1978, 1980 and ...