An in-flight emergency took place Friday night at the Syracuse airport. Around 10:30 p.m. on Friday, an American Airlines ...
While it doesn't even make the list of the top 10 busiest facilities on the planet, Saudi Arabia's King Fahd International Airport holds a record of its own — officially. According to Guinness ...
Photo courtesy city of Palo Alto. A small plane ran off the runway at Palo Alto Airport on Saturday afternoon, drifting into the Baylands Nature Preserve and prompting a fire department response.
Just before touching down ... at Midway Airport "after the crew performed a precautionary go-around to avoid a possible conflict with another aircraft that entered the runway." Get top local ...
The wing of a Delta Air Lines plane hit the runway at LaGuardia Airport during an unsteady landing on Sunday night. The packed flight was heading home from Jacksonville, Fla., when the pilot ...
Right now, the goal in the airport master plan is for substantial planning next decade, with construction completion in the early 2040s of the second runway to go with the current 12,000-foot ...
Officials say a Southwest Airlines flight almost took off from a taxiway — rather than a runway — at a central Florida airport on Thursday before an air traffic controller stopped the plane ...